Title: Snippets - A Series of Missing Scenes Author: untapdtreasure Rating: T Pairing: Devon & Danziger Summary: A series of connected oneshots that act as a 'missing scene' for each episode. They'll have Devon/Danziger undertones regardless of whomever is involved in each snippet. The last chapter will tie a nice little bow of sorts.
Title: Slow But Steady Author: untapdtreasure Pairing: John Danziger & Devon Adair Rated: K+ Spoilers: Redemption Summary: He owed her his very life. And he wanted to spend what was left of his with her. It was as simple as that.
Title: And Around We Go Author: untapdtreasure Rated: T Spoilers: Brave New Pacifica Summary: He stared into the fire, letting its flames consume him. Every time he touched her, as innocent as they may be, he found he almost couldn't stop.
Title: And Around We Go Author: untapdtreasure Rated: T Spoilers: Brave New Pacifica Summary: He stared into the fire, letting its flames consume him. Every time he touched her, as innocent as they may be, he found he almost couldn't stop.
Title: And Around We Go Author: untapdtreasure Rated: T Spoilers: Brave New Pacifica Summary: He stared into the fire, letting its flames consume him. Every time he touched her, as innocent as they may be, he found he almost couldn't stop.